What are the differences between psychological counseling, life coaching, and soul coaching?

The main difference between counseling and life coaching lies in the purpose, methods and professional background of their work. Soul coaching belongs to a category under life coaching that pays more attention to spiritual abundance.

The following is an overall summary of the differences, but each counselor and coach still have overlapping parts. There may also be great individual differences between counselors and coaches, so please be sure to make your own judgment.

work purpose

Psychological counseling focuses onAddressing individual mental health issues, such as: anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. The main purpose of life coaching is to assist individuals in achieving self-development and goal achievement, such as career development, life balance, time management, decision-making skills, etc. Life coaches are more concerned aboutpersonal growth and development, and help customers achieve their goals and dreams.

When soul coaches focus on personal growth and development, they pay more attention to helping clients discover their own spiritual needs, such as: Who am I? Why am I here in this life? How to live your true self? How to overcome the life issues of spiritual growth and so on.

work method

Psychological counselors use variousPsychological Theory and Techniques, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, solution-focused therapy, psychodynamic therapy, family therapy, etc., to help individuals find the root cause, solve problems and improve their mental state. Life coaches often useMethods of questioning and personal reflection, helps individuals discover their values, beliefs, and goals and develop plans to achieve those goals.

In addition to using questioning and personal reflection, soul coaches also useSpiritual tools and techniques such as meditation, spiritual decks, energy healingetc., to help release the emotions and mental energy in the subconscious that no longer serve you, and to connect with the greater self/higher self to enhance the level of consciousness.

Professional background

Psychological counselors usually go throughFormal professional training in psychology or clinical psychology, has extensive psychological and clinical knowledge, and uses professional therapeutic skills to help individuals face mental health problems. Life coaches can come from a variety of backgrounds such as psychology, business, education, etc. andReceive training in questioning and reflection skills, and their own knowledge and experience help individuals achieve self-development and goal achievement.

Sabine’s professional studies includeA coaching school certified by ICF, the world's largest coaching organization, train the following four major coaching functions: professional ethics and coaching thinking, co-creation partnership, effective communication, and inspiring learning and growth. as well as Soul Coaching® Soul Coach Certified "Soul Journey" guided meditation, inner alchemy combining the four elements. plusYears of personal meditation practice,as well asEnergy Healing Training with Tibetan and Usui Twin Reiki Masters.

Clients who have tried both psychological counseling and soul coaching say this

Ms. C: "Psychological counseling helped me release stress and anxiety, and soul coaching taught me how to listen to my true inner voice."

Ms. Y: "Soul coaching has more softness for inward exploration than ordinary life coaches. Compared with counseling, it has more subconscious exploration that cannot be reached by consciousness and memory (such as infancy)."

Ms. H: "Psychological counseling helped me see my own inertia during the consultation time. The soul coach provided long-term companionship and helped me make changes in my life."

What are the differences between psychological counseling, life coaching, and soul coaching?
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