1983 年生於台北,台南父母養大的天龍國小孩,家裡排行老四的傲嬌忙內。曾經是聰明乖巧的好學生,全校聯考第一名考上北一女,市長獎申請上台大國企系;再到認真賣命的好員工,從行銷助理做起,打滾外商十多年,包含旅居新加坡三年,然後做到知名外商台灣香港行銷部主管。
2019 年開始一段奇妙的追尋自我之旅,曾創立情趣用品電商,最後選擇新興職業:Life Coach 生涯教練。對我而言,生涯教練的工作就是協助他人重新連結自己內心的真實,做出當下每一個 「最好」的選擇,創造屬於自己的理想人生。
在歐美已經像心理諮商一樣,越來越普及的 Life Coach (又譯人生教練 / 生命教練),在台灣仍然只有不到 1% 的知名度,但因為我親身體驗過在教練引導下,碰觸自己內心世界寶藏後那種紮實、飽滿、發亮的感覺,讓我完全迷上這項工作,所以就讓我當那個在台灣帶頭的怪咖吧!
我曾經在深度冥想中問我自己:「我今生為何而來?」我收到一種滿溢不止的興奮感,轉換成語言是:「I can't fucking wait to serve.。」
These people will find me
My clients have my name written on their faces. (preferably)
But underneath the inner iceberg, they may have impostor syndrome, feel that they are not good enough most of the time, love to review themselves and doubt themselves.They long to believe in themselves, take back their right to speak and inner strength, long to gain inner joy and satisfaction, and have the courage to create an ideal life.These are also part of me, I see you, I can feel you.
My clients are strong-minded and capable, even if they would never describe themselves that way. They are often the people in the group who are popular and bring hope and vitality to those around them. They are also often trustworthy partners at work, people who always find a way to get things done.
After my third sister passed away from cancer, she gave me even greater motivation to serve. She is an employee with 200 points in work performance and is highly praised by her colleagues. She is also a super filial daughter and caring sister, but she has pushed her body and mind to the critical point. I hope that all the lovely souls in this world who are working hard like my sister can learn to be kind to themselves and give themselves a second life of happiness, satisfaction and health!

Clients often say after a coaching session, “I didn’t expect to get here today!”
I'm not the kind of motivational lecturer who stands on a stage with a hundred people and shouts, telling you to move like world-renowned life coach Tony Robbins, shouting "You can do it!" I am not the kind of spiritual or spiritual teacher who is full of fairy spirit or witch and is good at mysterious rituals. I'm not the kind of data-driven athlete coach who monitors your progress at any time to make sure you're not slacking off or losing faith.
但我可以提供一個舒服安全擴展的空間,來護持你內在的釋放與探索,我很像內在旅行的導遊,讓你自身的內在智慧,透過你自己的感知自然浮現,透過你自己的聲音自然表達。I believe that everyone has the answer in their mind. Taking back the ability to answer will bring about real change.
Because of this belief and letting go, I didn’t expect to be here today! so fun.

我認為每一個老師都會吸引到適合的學生; 而當學生準備好了,老師就會出現。 或許你會瀏覽到這個網頁也不是意外?🙃
my expertise

- 國際教練組織 ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) 教練認證
- Global Soul CoachingⓇ Soul Coach Certification
- Tibet Usui Double Reiki Reiki Master Master Level Pass
- 夢想實踐卡高階帶領人認證
- Archetype Card and Soul Blueprint Professional Consultant Certification

My study experience

- 1000+ 團體課學員,100+ 一對一教練客戶,以及 500+ 小時教練執業時數
- Xiings.com 小確性情趣選物店 共同創辦人、營運長暨第一線出貨員
- Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Taiwan and Hong Kong Marketing Director
- Head of Marketing, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Singapore
- Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Taiwan Senior Brand Manager
- MBA Intern at SONY Group Japan R&D Headquarters
- Master of Business Administration from IESE Business School in Spain (exchange student at Kellogg Business School of Northwestern University in the United States)
- Marketing Specialist, Bacardi Taiwan Branch
- General Mills Taiwan Branch Marketing Assistant
- Bachelor's degree in International Business, National Taiwan University (Exchange student at the School of Economics, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands)