
(5 customer reviews)


  • 透過靈魂之旅的內在指引可以協助更深入的了解自己、做出決策與選擇下一步行動,讓你帶著新的狀態往前走,不再卡住

  • 可從下方靈魂之旅ABCDE菜單中選澤一個內在旅程(會談當天告知即可)

  • 進行 90 分鐘,請多預留半小時作為下一個行程的緩衝

  • 可線上,請準備一個安靜獨立的空間進行;也可以至莎賓的位於台北內湖的工作室進行

  • Note: Must be used within 30 days after placing order


What is soul journey?

靈魂之旅是透過一對一靜心引導來協助你進行潛意識探索,莎賓會創造出一個安全平和的內在空間,協助你連結靈魂本質,用自己的聲音表達出當下最關鍵的真相,Experience yourself as you have never experienced before.

Suitable for objects

  1. People who have tried many "reasonable" methods but nothing seems to work

  2. People who know what to do but can’t get motivated

  3. People who believe that "life should not be just like this"

  4. People who want to live more awake and consciously

  5. I don’t know why, but people are attracted to this page

Service Features

  1. Penetrate the surface and dive into the inner truth: Your soul knows what is real

  2. Extract your inner extraordinary wisdom: Your soul knows what is best for you

  3. Find answers easily and effortlessly: Your soul knows how to make simple decisions

How to proceed

The 60-minute soul journey experience consists of three stages.

The first stage:Find your true core issues and tease out the goals that your soul truly cares about.

second stage:Through the meditation guidance of the soul journey, Sabine is like your consciousness travel guide, connecting your inner thoughts and feelings, helping you release stuck energy, express the voice that resonates with the soul, and achieve inner qualitative change.

The third phase:Sort out the learning results and find action plans that you can continue to implement in your life and bring about real changes.


The following video is about chatting with a client about her impressionsThe most shocking soul journey,very funny! The second video isPractical representation of the soul's journeyThe interactive method is slow because it wants to provide the inner child with a sense of security, so please be patient and watch.

(The right to use this video has been approved by the customer)

What students say

Y: "In each meditation process, I see more subconscious thoughts, more softness of inward exploration than ordinary coaches, and more explorations (infants) that cannot be reached by consciousness and memory than consultation. It makes me feel more secure and confident that I love myself, Keep going! I’m so lucky to have found Sabrina❤️”

Brian: "During meditation, I can invisibly release the deep pressure in my heart. It also brings to the surface problems that I have suppressed and did not want to face in the past, and then I try to face and solve these problems. It gives me ideas for future action plans. I have a clearer direction, and I have begun to be more active in supplementing the required knowledge.”

Emma: "The meditation experience left a deep impression on me. At that time, I was trying to explore the belief that I was not loved. I used meditation to recall the moment when I felt unloved. Suddenly I felt a warm feeling in my body from the soles of my feet. Coming up, it is an experience I have never had in meditation before, and I will feel that a certain place is particularly hot and feel the flow of energy!"

Sharon: "The coaching class allowed me to slow down in a timely manner, think deeply about my personal state in new environments and new emotions, face external things with a reflective mind, and become more aware of my changes and growth at each stage. Such awareness is absolutely necessary to create a more palatable self!"


Frequently Asked Questions


答:靈魂是那個不可缺少的你,是你The most important core. it's for everyonenature, you are born like this. it is thatgive you strength,讓你自信、強大、真實活著的存在 (I AM/Being)。


Answer: You can basically talk about anything. The soul is all-knowing and all-encompassing. Here are some topics that have been frequently discussed by past clients for your reference:

  • How to create your ideal career and find a practical path

  • How to create a balanced work/family/self life

  • How to express your true needs so that relationships no longer consume energy

  • How to make peace with your inner child

  • How to develop confidence from the inside out

  • How to increase your influence and manifest a life of abundance and abundance

Q: Is the effect of doing it online the same as face-to-face?

Answer: As long as you can prepare a quiet and comfortable independent space for yourself, the effect will be exactly the same. Sabine currently lives in Taipei. If you still want to do it face to face, please feel free to write to me. one@soulcoachsabrina.com discuss.

Q: What is the difference between a one-time and long-term coaching program?

Answer: In addition to the soul journey, long-term coaching alsoAdded card tool exploration, exclusive coaching plan, character strengths test, and after-class practice planning. A single session can inspire awareness, but the temptation to revert to old automated patterns of life is also strong. By working with Sabine for at least 3 months on a long-term basis, the coaching plan can be adjusted at any time based on actual practice and unexpected situations, making it easier to support you in truly bringing your personal transformation back into your life. If you decide to live a good life for yourself in this life, go for it! (To participate in long-term coaching, please fill inthis form, Sabine will contact you again. )

Important statement

Soul Journey cannot replace the treatment of neurosis and psychological deviation disorders. Please seek assistance from psychosomatic doctors and related types of counseling professionals.


Additional information

Choose a suitable solution

New customer experience for 50 minutes, single coaching for 90 minutes, long-term coaching customized project

5 reviews for 傾聽真我:靈魂之旅

  1. Chenkang (verified owner)

    This is a soul journey worth experiencing. I asked a question that has troubled me for a long time. Through Sabine's dialogue guidance, I felt very relaxed. I closed my eyes and followed Sabine's guidance. I saw the sea/blue sky like a whirlpool shape and then I floated on the sea and other different pictures. What's more interesting is that when the journey was over I consciously thought about something that had been bothering me for a long time (talking too fast) and suddenly I slowed down. Now here I am two weeks later, I will consciously slow down. Really happy

  2. He Guangyao (verified owner)

    Sabine's keen awareness inspired me to have the courage to find answers on my own.
    Sabine's listening ear and patience were a warm companion and made me feel like I could sincerely reveal my truth on my journey of self-exploration.
    Sabine's questions always touch the deepest chords in my heart, allowing me to discover my own potential freedom and bloom.
    I would like to express my praise and appreciation for Sabine's professionalism.

  3. Xu Tingyou (verified owner)

    Very in-depth self-exploration can clearly clarify various emotions and issues, and understand one's inner true thoughts more objectively and clearly. After guidance from a coach, one can quickly find the core of the problem, understand oneself, and accept one's true self. , and clarify the topic, highly recommended!

  4. Yang Ziwei (verified owner)

    From Sabine's meditation guidance, embark on an interesting and profound journey, slowly become aware of and see your own state, listen to your inner voice, and make more conscious choices in each moment. It is a very healing journey for the body and mind. journey of. Finally, there is a small surprise of card drawing and analytical after-sales service. You can feel the careful care of every soul by Soul Coach Sabine. Recommended for those of you who have a busy life and need to press the pause button and arrange a quality soul exploration for yourself!

  5. 馬修 徐 (verified owner)


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