Do you make an annual wish list?
according toUS Ipsos ResearchPoint out that only 8% people will fulfill their New Year's resolutions, while 80% people have completely forgotten their New Year's resolutions in early February every year. Gradually, this frustration of not being able to realize their wishes makes people less and less motivated to "dream", and even evolves into questioning self-worth and the meaning of life.
When we only think with our rational brain and ignore our intuition to create, it is easy to work too hard or fall into the trap of "becoming the person we envy". Let’s break the inertia of the past and start practicing creating from the heart!
We manifest what we truly feel within ourselves.
We manifest what we truly feel within ourselves.
We manifest what we truly feel within ourselves.
It’s very important, so say it three times.
If you feel that you are not good enough, you will manifest into the outer world that always seems to have something wrong with it. If you feel your own loveliness, you will manifest an external world that makes you want to smile when you look at it. What do you want to feel? Get creative with this workshop!
Three major features of the workshop
1. 冥想引導深入內在,讓你顯化的是「靈魂渴望」,而非「胡思亂想」
2. Combine the dual tools "Dream Card" and "Dream Board" to integrate your rationality and sensibility
Will your rationality and sensibility fight? The perceptual brain helps us use images, intuition, and inspiration to create connections with the greater self, giving you clues to create profound life experiences; the rational brain helps us sort out the specific structures, processes, and resources in reality to create action plans that are easier to implement. .
The activity will combine text-based dream cards and picture-based dream boards to help you integrate your own talents.
What is a Dream Card?
Dream Card is a set of career development tools that can clarify your career value system and anchor your dream life. Designed by Lin Xiuhe and Li Yifang, it has a history of ten years and has helped thousands of people!
What is a dream board?
A dream board is a visual tool that displays images, text, charts, and other elements. By regularly seeing your goals and visions, you can enhance your motivation, focus, and confidence, making it more likely that you will achieve those goals.
3. 龍吟小館能量超棒,僅收六人,給你「舒服自在做自己」的工作坊體驗
「感謝莎賓!雖然來參加這種都不認識的課程,非常的讓我 I 人狀態爆棚,但還是從中感受到滿滿的充電,以及不知道為何每次聽到莎賓的聲音都覺得暖暖的,然後變的很容易想哭😂😂」
common problem
Q: How to get to the event location?
A: 台北捷運文湖線「內湖捷運站 1 號出口」,步行 10 分鐘即可抵達。
Q: Do I need to arrive early for the event?
A: The event will start on time. Please arrive 10 minutes in advance. The venue will open 15 minutes in advance.
Q: Do I need to prepare anything?
A: The event fee includes materials for making the dream board, but you can also prepare your favorite sentences and pictures in advance and bring them to the event!
Q: What should I do if I cannot go temporarily after registering?
A: 您可以將參加資格轉讓給其他友人,因需事先準備材料,恕不提供退費。
All your wishes come true, dream card + dream board workshop
謝謝莎賓很用心的帶領, 讓我看見自己的潛意識, 好好的向2024告別, 迎接2025